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ArborSPORTS™ Challenges Expo Attendees Like Never Before!

An arborist giving a knot tying demonstration at ArborEXPO.
An experienced arborist demonstrates the proper technique for tying a friction knot, a foundational skill that will be on full display during ArborSPORTS. Source: Joe Tacynec
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In partnership with North American Training Solutions (NATS), ArborEXPO™ 2025 is set to elevate the excitement of the tree care industry with the introduction of ArborSPORTS™, a thrilling new feature designed to showcase the skills, agility, and strength that define arboriculture professionals.

Combining competition, camaraderie, and education, ArborSPORTS™ will offer attendees the chance to witness elite climbers, sawyers, and rigging experts go head-to-head in events that celebrate the craft and precision of tree work. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or an enthusiastic newcomer, ArborSPORTS™ promises to be the highlight of the year, blending spectacle with inspiration for all who attend.

A photo of Ed Carpenter.
Ed Carpenter

Hear from Ed Carpenter, director of operations at NATS, about this unique, can’t-miss competition.

Q: What makes ArborSPORTS ™ a standout event for arborists attending ArborEXPO™?

A: ArborSPORTS™ is a new team-based extreme sports competition in which tree crews compete head-to-head and heart-to-heart.

The SafeTree™ simulators (pat. pending) provide a high-quality, consistent, and safe performance environment so teams can perform at their best! The engineered trees and simulated work zone allow participants to rig, cut, and climb in a safe and controlled setting where they can focus on optimizing skill development and team performance.

The goal is to allow teams to showcase innovative solutions to challenges faced by tree workers every day, all while being cheered on by a live audience!!

Q: Can you describe the challenges participants will face in the NATS Skills Arena™ and how they prepare competitors for real-world scenarios?

A: The challenges consist of hands-on, skills-based work simulations for teams of two that demonstrate core competencies such as: proper personal protective equipment (PPE) use, knot tying, technical rigging, and chainsaw applications in the NATS Skills Arena™.

Once teams pass the prequalifying events, they will compete at the ArborSPORTS™ outdoor stadium in full scale arboriculture, cutting, and rigging scenarios where the pairs must work together to cut and rig apart engineered SafeTrees™ (pat. pending) and precisely land the, top, trunk and limb sections into designated drop zones, just like a real tree removal!

An ad for EZ Connector.

Q: What kind of teamwork and individual skills are tested during the ArborSPORTSTM events?

A: While a variety of individual and group-based skills and attributes are tested during the ArborSPORTS™ events, the most important is teamwork. Under the scrutiny of each other, the judges, the clock, and a live audience, participants will raise performance and innovation to unprecedented levels.

Q: Are there any specific prizes or recognition that participants can earn by competing in ArborSPORTS™?

A: This is the first year and will be a proof-of-concept year with fair prizes such as PPE, gear and equipment, and most importantly, bragging rights to be the first pioneers in this bespoke competition.

Arborists train with advanced climbing methods, setting the stage for the dynamic challenges coming to ArborSPORTS. Source: Joe Tacynec
Arborists train with advanced climbing methods, setting the stage for the dynamic challenges coming to ArborSPORTS. Source: Joe Tacynec

Q: What is the significance of the NATS SafeTreeTM Simulators, and how do they enhance the ArborSPORTSTM experience?

A: The SafeTree™ (pat. pending) is an engineered solution that allows tree workers to train, practice year-round, inside or out, and improve the industrial athletes they are!

The SafeTree™ (pat. pending) allows limbs and sections of tree to be cut off and efficiently replaced to provide a high-quality, safe, and consistent competitive environment. In addition to its realistic qualities, the SafeTree™ is reusable so that our limited urban forest resources do not need to be cut down just for the sake of training or evaluating tree workers.

An ad for Quest Products.

Q: What safety measures and training are incorporated into the competition to reflect industry standards?

A: Every aspect of the competition is rooted in safety. The US Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) General Industry standards, as well as national consensus standards such as the American National Standards Institute’s ANSI Z133, provide the framework for the skills and safety protocols competitors must follow. NATS also utilizes best-in-class safety practices from our decades of experiences to ensure the safest and highest quality event possible.

Q: For spectators, what can they expect to experience while watching the competitions live?

A: If they enjoy the smell of fresh cut wood, sawdust, 2cycle engines, and being outside, this will be one of the most exciting and engaging extreme sports competitions they have ever seen!

An ad for Ferguson McGuire.

Q: How does ArborSPORTS™ promote community building within the arboriculture industry?

A: ArborSPORTS™ primary focus is to foster strong connections among tree crews and companies while also encouraging stronger and more resilient connections. The success of ArborSPORTS™ depends on professionalism, respect, positive sportsmanship, tolerance, and fair play. All stakeholders associated with the ArborSPORTS™ are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects these values.

We here at NATS appreciate the opportunity to partner with ArborEXPO™ to showcase this new and exciting team-based sports competition. We look forward to seeing everyone at the ArborEXPO™ in Springfield, MA March 27th and 28th, 2025.

Until then work hard, work safe, and work together!